Nothing throws a monkey wrench in your day like car trouble.  If your vehicle takes too long to start, shakes at idle, or hesitates during acceleration, it may be time for an engine tune-up.  As you drive, many engine parts are subject to immense heat and pressure, which causes them to wear out and break over time.  Check-engine lights, pinging, and exhaust smoke are all symptoms that your car needs attention right away.

Don't Skip Out on a Tune-Up This Year

A tune-up should be a regular part of your car’s maintenance routine.  In fact, Kelly Blue Book recommends scheduling a full tune-up at least once a year, to help ensure the longest possible lifespan for your vehicle.  Even if your car seems to be running fine, a regular tune up is still important, as preventative maintenance can save you thousands down the line.  Here are some of the most important reasons to schedule a tune-up today.

Preventable failures are common

According to this AAA Roadside Assistance report, over 2 million roadside assistance calls were placed because of engine failure in 2015 alone.  Additionally, a data-analysis by AAA found that at least 35% of drivers routinely skip tune-ups and regular maintenance, leading to numerous preventable failures.  By scheduling a tune-up, Anything Automotive can help you reduce the likelihood that your car will suffer a breakdown, thereby saving you time and money in the long run.

Regular tune-ups can save you thousands

The average cost of a car repair is $387, and this number increases every year.  That cost doesn’t even include the price of towing, rental cars, or angry bosses when a preventable failure occurs at a bad time.  When you invest in a tune-up from Anything Automotive, you can leave with the confidence that your vehicle won’t break down because of something that could (and should) have been prevented.  Your engine’s health is important, and a tune-up will help you get the most out of your car without all the expensive surprises.

Anything Automotive is here to give you confidence when behind the wheel!  Take the worry out of your commute and stop by for a full engine tune-up. Don’t forget to contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more. Anything Automotive is serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area.